Masonic Halloween 2015

It’s that time of year again. The air is cooler, the leaves are changing, and the kiddos are getting excited.Halloween is coming! If you don’t have any idea what your Halloween costume will be, perhaps some of these famous Freemasons can give you some ideas.

There’s American singer and cowboy actor Roy Rogers

Harpo Marx, the second oldest Marx brother

Colonel Sanders, founder of KFC

Astronaut Buzz Aldrin

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, the composer

Or, if you’re looking for a costume for the whole family, why not the Ringling Brothers?

If you’re looking for more Masonic Halloween costumes, check out last year’s post.

Masonic Halloween

Just a reminder that Halloween is this Friday. If this is news to you, you may want to start thinking of a costume. Why not a famous Freemason? Here’s some examples to get those creative juices flowing.

There’s Frontiersman David Crockett

Dave Thomas, founder of Wendy’s

Master Escape Artist Harry Houdini

Shaquille O’Neal, former NBA star

Of course, we can’t forget the ladies! Always popular are Clara Barton, founder of the American Red Cross

And Laura Ingalls Wilder, author of Little House on the Prairie, both of whom are members of OES.

Of course, if you really run out of time, there’s always…

…the conspiracy theorist.

If you do end up dressing like a famous Freemason, let me know! I would love to showcase your costume here. As always, have a wonderful week, and a safe and fun Halloween!